This curse invokes the might of the mysterious and dreaded Hooded Figures, and draws on the energy of the dark moon. The Hooded Figures are heavily coded as having a great deal in common with the dead, or eldritch entities associated with the dead. They traverse forbidden, liminal territory and their mere presence invokes terror and punishment.
If you know someone you want to surround with creepiness, whose reality you want to warp around them, this spell is for you. This spell IS vicious, so if it’s not for you, feel free to ignore it.
You will need:
An effigy of the person you intend to curse. This can be a picture, a sample of their handwriting, a poppet, nails/hair/blood or other leavings, or simply a drawing of a person (stick figures are okay, but they have to have a face) with their name written on it.
Hooded figures. The easiest way to make these is to cut person-shapes out of cardboard, paste pictures of tv-static onto them, and drape them in ‘robes’ of tissues or scraps of cloth. Black tissue paper can be found at most dollar stores! Give them a simple cross-shaped base so they can stand up.
A focal point – the easiest way to do this is to use a piece of paper. Draw a number of lines that intersect in the center, as many lines as you have Hooded Figures. At the outer end of each line draw a circle where the Hooded Figure will start its journey. It should end up looking something like this:
Note that open circle on the left is a result of my sloppy work in ms paint, not an indication that a circle should be left open. You don’t need to use the same number of lines or figures I’ve used here – if you prefer you can choose a more significant number, such as 7 or 13. The important thing is to make a Hooded Figure for every circle.
A black pen, marker, or crayon
Start this spell on the new moon, so the moon’s waxing can empower it. Begin by placing the effigy of your target in the center of the circle.
Activate each Hooded Figure with a sigil indicating its intent or purpose. You can draw these under their robes with sharpie or white-out, depending what will show up best. You can create symbols for yourself, or use existing runes. Some example symbol concepts are: Fear, Unreality, Dissociation, Paranoia, Nightmares, Misfortune, Madness, Exhaustion, Pain, Disease, Isolation, Cold, Deprivation. Whatever symbol you use, inscribe the same symbol on one of the circles surrounding the effigy.
Place each Hooded Figure on the circle that bears its sigil. Set a radio, or other apparatus, to play consistent quiet static. If you need to use an mp3 player or computer, you can find examples of static in white noise programs such as Ambient Mixer. Leave the Hooded Figures and the static playing all night, or at least through the midnight hour. Let them get the target’s scent. Note: the Hooded Figures don’t speak, so this spell has no need for invocations.
The next day, turn the static up in volume and move the Hooded Figures one step closer to the target along the lines. Take a ball-point pen and scribble jagged black scribbles over the target’s name or face. Try to do this viciously and with malice.
The next day, move the Hooded figures one step closer. Turn up the static. Scribble more jagged black marks over the target’s name or face.
The next day, repeat. Your Hooded Figures should be looming over your target now. Let them stay there, looming threateningly, and each day scribble some more on the target’s face until it is completely blacked out. If you want the curse to be permanent, take a long roll of paper or cloth and lay the effigy on one end, with the hooded figures lined up beside it along the cloth’s length. Slowly roll up the cloth, starting from the effigy, so the hooded figures are bound up in the cloth surrounding the effigy at the center. Pierce the bundle through with needles or thorns to secure it, as many as you want, then bury it off your property.
To remove the curse, over the course of three or four days move the Hooded Figures back away from the target one step at a time and turn the static down each day until you can turn it off.
*A Note: In experimenting with this spell I felt compelled not to use the hooded figures more than once. They are not the sort of thing you should store with your magical supplies unless you have a well-warded curse box to keep them in. Mine were just cardboard and tissue paper so I burnt them. If you need to dispose of them, make sure you do it thoroughly.