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Writer's pictureA.C. Lang

Limpia-Oomancy-Cleansing and Divining with Eggs

Bringing Back the Oomancy! Ever have a bad dream? Ever just feel like you have this funk you can’t break out of? Ever just feel like you need an answer for something you can’t visibly see? Ever just meet someone new or hang out with a friend and all of a sudden you feel “off”? Then you should do an egg cleanse. Oomancy is probably one of my favorite types of divination and spiritual cleansing that I believe is sort of a lost art in the new age practices of witchcraft, brujería, etc.. I am excited to write about this because of the universal aspect it has along with the direct clarity it brings to settle the mind and soul in a peaceful tone, even when alarming, disturbing answers are brought to the surface. It’s easy, it’s simple, and it’s effective! With its origins hailing from Ancient Greece & Rome, oomancy was performed by the druid, Native American, African, Polynesian, Indian, and Arabic cultures-all have different names for this ritual. In traditional American Hoodoo it is properly known as “Oomancy”. Nonetheless, many practices and religions have been performed all over the world as a divination tool to help from removing the evil eye to indicating sicknesses in the body. The answers brought to light by oomancy are timeless with clear, varying omens. “Limpias con Huevos” are very well known in the Latinx cultures specifically in the Caribbean and Central American countries. This ritual is performed by brujas & brujos on their clients to figure out the source of a problem or as a way of identifying “Mal De Ojo”, negative vibrations, evil energies, and even dictating if the person has been hexed. As a Puerto Rican woman, I was taught about limpias long ago as a child. Once a year, my mama aka my abuela (grandmother) would do this to me as a blessing. I used to sit, let her pray over me with whatever Catholic prayer she found fit, cracked the egg in a glass of water, look at it, then toss it out her window. To be honest, I didn’t necessarily know why she did this for me when I would stay with her, but I always believed that it was to make sure her prayers for me were working. Sometimes she would say a prayer after, sometimes she wouldn’t say a word. Many of my great aunts, aunt, cousins and second cousins did these limpias and I always made sure to learn. Now, the importance of eggs in many practices always symbolize the womb, indication of incubation, protection, fertility, and the female reproductive organs. Some cultures used these egg cleanses to indicate pregnancy, possible genders of the child, due dates, womb healing, etc. amongst other messages found within the whites of the yolk once cracked in a glass of water for a period of time. Some practices just throw the egg out completely out of the house away from them, in turn cracking the egg and it’s negativities out of the area the ritual was performed as. Some boil the egg and give it as an offering to their deities as a way of asking them to remove the negativity out of their lives. With all that being said, how exactly do you do an egg cleanse? Different practices require different steps in order to accurately perform this ritual, but I have simplified my limpias con huevos in order to share with my clients. Please note, if you do not feel comfortable performing your own egg cleanse, please seek any spiritual healer or practitioner who specializes in this cleansing to do it for you.

  1. Firstly, I set my egg out from the fridge until it’s room temperature on my altar with Santa Muerte. I always ask her to bless my egg before use. I also set out room temperature water out for at least an hour or two. I found that if the water is too cold, the egg won’t form correctly in the glass. If the egg is too hot, it will solidify in the glass.

  2. I always perform this after a spiritual bath OR shower with lavender infused Epsom salts, Florida Water or “Arrasa con Todo”(Destroy Everything) baño, every 2 weeks. I sit in the bath or shower for 20 minutes stating my intentions and allowing the baño and Epsom salt drain me of any unnecessary toxins in the body. I then rinse, dry off, WASH OUT THE TUB, and spray myself with Florida Water to finish off the spiritual bath, thanking my ancestors, guides, Santa Muerte, etc.

  3. After my spiritual bath, I ground myself with some meditating instrumentals. I take my egg and pray by doing the sign of the cross. As a confirmed Catholic, I always say “The Lord’s Prayer” while rubbing my entire body, starting with the head, ending at the feet, while doing this ritual. For anyone not religious, I would suggest you ask the universe to cleanse you of any negative feelings, emotions, vibrations, etc. Take note, make sure to get every inch of your body. Try not to pass the same area more than 3 times. I repeat it until it’s done, focusing on key areas of bodily pain, if any. After, I kiss my egg, do the sign of the cross again before cracking it into my glass of room temperature water.

Your egg is in the glass. What now? Simple interpretations definitely are:

  • Mal de Ojo aka “evil eye”, usually in the center of the water in the glass. That’s usually why people do these cleanses.

  • Bubbles on the rim or on the bottom of the glass are your ancestors absorbing and watching negativity and evil thrown at you.

  • Make sure your yellow egg yolk sinks to the bottom as it indicates no work is being done on you as if it’s floating means there is work being done on you. BROKEN YELLOW YOLK INDICATES YOU ARE HEXED AND THE WORK ON YOU HAS BEEN COMPLETE! If this is the case, you need to take another spiritual bath, and redo the egg cleanse.

  • You want to look for strings which are extracted negative energy, pearls on top of them which indicates your guides are absorbing negativity aimed at you.

  • Watch for clear water which indicates your roads are open and clear of obstacles.

  • Definitely watch for ANY figures in the whites of the yolk. You can usually identify a male person or female person, respectively even if they identify as non-binary or any other pronoun.

  • Look for animals. Animals always have their respected spiritual meanings and can indicate omens of all sorts.

  • Anchors and bells usually indicate love, a wedding, or an engagement.

  • Look for letters, numbers, help you identify who has an evil eye on you or other messages indicating travel, good health, money, and love.

  • Crosses mean crossed conditions. As you continue to do limpias, this should clear up. You would usually know what your blockages in life are if they appear. Sometimes they indicate what to anticipate.

  • Blood or black specks in the yolk indicate sicknesses.

  • 2 yellow yolks indicate pregnancy or twins.

  • Empty balloons aka “bombas” indicate trapped feelings, emotions, or situations at hands.

  • If you see a skull, it can indicate death.

  • Cloudy water indicates you being deceived or blocked from a certain achievement.

  • If your egg cleanse smells, YOU SHOULD CONSIDER CHECKING YOUR HEALTH WITH YOUR DR OR GENERAL PRACTITIONER. This is a clear indication of illness inside the body at times of which you may NOT be aware of. Some practices interchange this with blood or black specks, but I personally find that smells are far more serious.

  • ON A WEIRD OCCASION, watch for abnormal additions to the egg like a human hair, what looks like skin, nail clippings, etc. These can actually indicate who did the work and how they did it.

These are just some of the simple interpretations. I always say go by your intuition as well. Along with this cleansing, I’ll do a tarot card or Oracle card pull as a channeled message to take away from the ritual. Interpret your egg for no more than 45 minutes. Some practices leave the egg out for a day or two before divination, however, I found the results to be no different after an extended period of time. You can then dispose of your cleanse by salting your egg and flush it down the toilet or throw it outside in your backyard. Some salt the egg prior to performing this cleanse, however, I find that the whites and yolks fall almost instantly by doing this first versus after the interpretation. After the cleanse, you may feel an incredible need to eat or drink water, maybe even go straight to sleep. I would always suggest you do so because of the amount of positive energy is now deposited back into your aura and your body to function for the day after. These egg cleanses work for everyone including children and pets. I do this on my dog at least once a month which gives me a clear indication of his diet, sleep, any pain, or explain his recent behaviors. There’s not too many written articles when it comes to Oomancy which is why I feel incredibly blessed to have written this post for you all. This ritual has been passed down by word of mouth from elders to youngsters and should be kept going by continuing the teaching. There are plenty of different egg cleanse rituals that you can find on YouTube or on Instagram, my page included, that can visually show you step by step so you can include this your own practice and make part of your self-care routine. So next time you have a rough night or you get into a scuffle with someone, consider doing an egg cleanse. You’ll be amazed by the way you feel after you figure out the source of your restlessness and uncover your own power in the security that it brings!


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