Magickal hymns can be used as spiritual exercises in and of themselves, being recited for either guidance or self-empowerment, or they can be incorporated into rituals. This hymn calls out to some of the most prominent among the Infernal Divine.
First, the term Drakosophia is a moniker for the black magickal current which underlies all paradigms of LHP demon magick– from Traditional Demonolatry to Luciferian Atheism. It’s inspired by the term Theosophia, being the concept of a single undercurrent beneath all religion. This is not dualism– I am certain that Drakosophia is just the aspect of Theosophia that we of the Black Lodge work with together, whether we know it or not.
72 Spirits of the Goetia are entreated. The 72 once appeared to my mentor as a single dragon, and “Goetikon” is one of the invented magickal names I have consecrated for reference to this entity.
Thereafter, the 11 Gods of the Qliphoth, known as Chavajoth/Havayoth and the Azerate or Hendekatheon is entreated.
Thereafter, the Nine Demonic Divinities adulated by most Traditional Demonolaters, which group of nine is derived from the Dukante Hierarchy of Demonology, is named and entreated one by one. The nine are as follows: Verraine/Verrine, Amducious, Lucifer/Lumial, Eurynomous, Flereous/Haures, Ustrina, Leviathan, Unsere, Beliar/Belias (normally Belial), and Satanas/Sathanel (normally Satanas).
The Qliphoth or Kliffoth as a whole is entreated, and lastly, the 22 Ruling Archdemons of the “Tunnels of Set,” being the pathways between the ten spheres of the Qliphoth, are entreated. I needed a catch-all moniker for the lot of them, so I came up with Kelippadaimones. It’s nowhere near etymologically sound, but it serves its purposes. The hymn consists of 11 stanzas, it calls unto very many of the most prominent entities venerated in demon magick, so not only can it be used in many different ways, its use develops a rapport with the Infernal Divine. That is to say, using it in magick is a convenient and useful way for the witch to strengthen her connection to the entities entreated.
Invoco Pandemonium, In Nomine Drakosophia
Agios o Goetikon, Salve Draco Megiste
O Salve Havayoth– Hendekatheon Gloria
Agios es, Genitor Verraine, et Salve Pater Amducious
Agios o Domine Lucifer, Basileus Lumial
Agios Ischyros Eurynomous– Patrona Necromantia
Salve Flereous, Spiritus Aeternum, et Dominus Ustrina
Abbas Leviathan Gloria– Agios o Unsere
Ave Regem Beliar– Agios Belias Rex Bohu
Atta Sathanel Gloria– Agios o Satanas
Agios Ischyros Kliffoth– Salvete Kelippadaimones
[I Call to the Infernal Plane in the Name of the Current of the Adversary/ Numinous is the Draconic Unification of the 72 as a Metagod, Hail unto the Great Dragon/ Oh, Hail unto Havayoth, Glory to the Hendekatheon/ Numinous Art Thou, Father Verraine, and Hail unto Father Amducious/ Numinous is Lord Lucifer, King Lumial/ Numinous and Mighty is Eurynomous– Patron of Necromancy/ Hail unto Flereous, Great and Eternal Spirit, and to Lord Ustrina/ Glory unto Father Leviathan– Numinous is Unsere/ Hail King Beliar– Numinous (is) Belias the King of the Second Veil Before Samael/ Glory unto Father Sathanel– Numinous is Satanas/ Numinous and Mighty is the Qliphoth– Hail to the Twenty-Two Spirits of the Tunnels of Set]
The Rite of the Impregnable
{This rite calls on four demons to empower the witch’s natural defenses against psychic attack, programs the aura to accept beneficial influences at all times, and empowers the aura such that received blessings are amplified in effect. An explanation of all the big words and obscure concepts has been appended to the end. The prose used in the ritual is artistic in nature and can lead to misunderstandings, so don’t overanalyze it. You’re not making a shield, you’re just strengthening your natural defenses, and those natural defenses are not necessarily limited to your aura}
I call the Dark Powers to convocation within my ritual of ascending whereby my aura is to be deeply empowered by the Emissaries of the Other Side. Beget unto my aura a welcome-ness for mysterious blessings and an empowerment for the act of in-taking the beneficent transmissions of whatever spirits and gods see fit to impress elevation upon me. Transmutate my aura also for the rejecting of harmful emissions and the immunization of my person against psychic, magickal, and astral aggressions of those who would move to oppose me. Magot + Agares + Raflifu + Verraine + Aguares + Magoa + Agreas + Verrine + Raflifu + Maguth + Agaros
Io Maguth! Agios Ischyros Maguth – Io Magot! Salve Magoth; Agios o Magoa! Salve Aeternae Magoth! [Hail Maguth! Numinous and Mighty is Maguth– Hail Magot! Hail Magoth; Numinous is Magoa! Hail the Eternal Magoth]
I entreat the Dark Prince and Aeriform Greatfiend of Dineb and Gashkalah to establish the shielding of my person against my oppositions in the esoteric circles. Magot, Jupiterian Diviner of the Leftward Tradition, Guiding Spirit of the Vaults of Zin, arise and make your great influence known in your alteration of my subtle form. Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Magoth (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Magoth]
Raflifu is the Black Regent of Our Planet This Earth who appears in the darkness of its oceans and crossroads. The Eternal Arch-Spirit manifests his influence and presence from the Pathway of the Leopard of Resh to reify and sanctify my subtle form. Rattimgethall Onkimgallor Raflifu Onjurrawl (x9) Baruch ha-Raflifu! Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Raflifu! [Blessed is Raflifu! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Raflifu] I call forth the Good-Natured Healing Spirit who orchestrates the currents of the wind to manifest her beneficence in left-handed alchemies. Verrine, Spirit of Autumn and the Qlipha of the Black Moon, arise from the infernal place of your dwelling and make your way as I’m chanting the words: Elan Typan Verrine (x9) Io Verraine! Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Verraine! [Hail Verraine! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Verraine] I conjure forth the Eldrin Rider Upon the Beast-of-Devouring whose name Agarus means Strength Hoard to issue forth acausal fortifications and alchemical transfigurements such that I might attain the selected pursuits of this working. Rean Ganen Ayar Da Agares! Torzodu Gohed Agaros Odzamran (x9) [Arise Everlasting Agaros and Appear] As I have spoken, so let it be done! Aeriform: this word means “formed of air.” It’s a reference to Maguth’s elemental attribution. Dineb: A star that Maguth is attributed to Gashkalah: A Qliphothic sphere attributed to Jupiter Vaults of Zin: A labyrinth beneath the Qliphothic Regent: Ruler Resh: the Hebrew letter that Raflifu is attributed to. The animal-form of the leopard is attributed to the Tunnel of Resh. Reify: Correct Qlipha: Realm of the infernal plane Eldrin: Elder. To explain the title I used this word in, Agares rides a crocodile.
Names: Verrine, Verrain, Verrin, Verrain, Verin
Planet: Black Moon
Element: Air; Airy Part of Water
Qlipha: Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith)
Legions: 60
Color: White, Blue, Green, Yellow
Date: November; Late Autumn
Direction: West; Northwest
Attributions: Camphor; Bayberry; Mulberry; Dragon’s Blood
“Hail Verrine, full of green, the life is with thee, lively art thou amongst demons, and lively is the fruit of thy self, health. Happy Verrine, maker of health, dwell in your followers, now and each hour of our lives amen.” -A Healing Prayer by Catloving Demon, as recorded in Ater Votum
Verrine is a little-known demoness. While he/she is recorded in traditional demonography, very little is said of her other than that she is a “demon of health,” a “demon of impatience,” and a spirit of the wind. She is one of the nine primary infernal divinities of modern Demonolatry, which list of nine infernal divinities oringated from the Dukante Hierarchy of demonography. Said to have been from the order of thrones prior to her alleged fall/rebellion, she is a spirit of a “positive polarity” and said to be “good-natured.” She is held to be a “creation demon,” rather than a destructive one.
While traditional demonography records her as male, Verrain appeared to me as a woman made of foliage. She wore a revealing white dress and had buttefly-like wings, which wings displayed colors of blue, green, and yellow.
Verraine can increase the body’s ability to heal and recover—from sleep deprivation, for example. In addition to this, she can increase the body’s resistance to the side effects of sleep deprivation. She can empower your aura so that it converts incoming energy into blessings. Her auspices are useful for all workings intended to engender protection.
Verin represents the positive polarity of life. She can teach the witch to consecrate a garden to magnify its abundance. She can increase the witch’s ability to purify place’s spiritual atmosphere and otherwise raise sacred space. She can relieve a magickian of her impatience. She can also stir one to action. According to The Black Grimoire by T.J. Dawson, Verrain rules over “Health, Medicines, Invention” and “Herbs.”
Verrine can teach the witch to shapeshift her astral double into a bear, which is one of the harder atavisms to assume. The atavism of the bear is a very common one assumed by archangels and archdemons.
Magickal Chants
Io Verraine
“Hail Verraine!”
Elan Typan Verrine
Traditional Enn or ‘Summoning Chant’ for Verrine
Invoco Verrain In Nomine Qliphoth
“I Call Verrain in the Name of the Qliphoth!”
In addition to calling forth Verrain, this chant simultaneously lulls the witch closer to the gnostic state (trance)
Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Verrain
“Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Verrain!”
In addition to calling forth Verrain, this chant simultaneously presences Qliphothic energy to raise or strengthen a sacred space.
In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Verrain
“In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Verrain!” In addition to calling forth Verrain, this chant simultaneously focuses the mind of the celebrant.
Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Verrain
An enn from The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic for invocations of Verrain Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Verrain “Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Verrain!” Invokes Verrain and strengthens the alchemical effects of the invocation rite. Only useful for invocation. -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia
Sources: Demonolatry Basics by Infernus; The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp; Witchcraft by Jules Michelet; Drawing Down Belial by S. Conolly; The Black Grimoire of Satan by T.J. Dawson; Demons, the Gods of Hell by the Joy of Satan Ministries; Ater Votum by OFS Demonolatry