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Occult Literature (books list)

Writer's picture: A.C. LangA.C. Lang

Here is a list of 100 of the best and most important books for beginners and advanced practitioners of the Left-Hand Path, dark magick, and witchcraft, covering essential grimoires, foundational texts, and modern occult writings.

1. The Satanic Bible Anton LaVey

2. The Satanic Rituals Anton LaVey

3. The Devil’s Notebook Anton LaVey

4. The Satanic Witch Anton LaVey

5. The Book of the Law Aleister Crowley

6. Magick in Theory and Practice Aleister Crowley

7. The Book of Lies Aleister Crowley

8. Diary of a Drug Fiend Aleister Crowley

9. Liber Null & Psychonaut Peter J. Carroll

10. Apocalyptic Witchcraft Peter Grey

11. Luciferian Witchcraft Michael W. Ford

12. The Bible of the Adversary Michael W. Ford

13. Liber HVHI Michael W. Ford

14. The Luciferian Tarot Michael W. Ford

15. Dragon of the Two Flames Michael W. Ford

16. The Infernal Gospel Michael W. Ford

17. The Black Book of the Abyss Michael W. Ford

18. Uncle Setnakt’s Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path Don Webb

19. The Seven Faces of Darkness Don Webb

20. Overthrowing the Old Gods Don Webb

21. Sekhem Apep M. King

22. Liber Falxifer I N.A-A.218

23. Liber Falxifer II N.A-A.218

24. Liber Falxifer III N.A-A.218

25. The Book of Sitra Achra N.A-A.218

26. The Catechism of Lucifer Johannes Nefastos

27. The Philosophy of Dark Paganism Frater Tenebris

28. Qliphothic Meditations Asenath Mason

29. The Qliphothic Trilogy Asenath Mason

30. Rites of Lucifer Asenath Mason

31. The Abyss Within Asenath Mason

32. The Grimoire of Tiamat Asenath Mason

33. Flesh and Bone Asenath Mason

34. The Devil’s Quran Al-Tauhidi

35. The Book of Smokeless Fire S. Ben Qayin

36. The Red Book of Appin Anonymous

37. The Book of Azazel E.A. Koetting

38. The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Series E.A. Koetting

39. The Complete Works of E.A. Koetting E.A. Koetting

40. Black Magick: The Left Hand Path Vikram Divakar

41. Demonolatry S. Connolly

42. The Complete Book of Demonolatry S. Connolly

43. Infernal Colopatiron S. Connolly

44. Keys of Ocat S. Connolly

45. The Psionics Handbook Charles Cosimano

46. Voudon Gnostic Workbook Michael Bertiaux

47. The Lucky Hoodoo Michael Bertiaux

48. Kosmic Gnosis Tau Palamas

49. The Ophidian Hieroglyph Tau Palamas

50. The Cult of the Black Cube Arthur Moros

51. Saturn Rising David Rankine

52. Saturn Gnosis David Beth

53. The Shadow Tarot Linda Falorio

54. The Voudon Gnostic Workbook Michael Bertiaux

55. The Black Ship Malphas

56. The Apophis Club Michael Kelly

57. Dragonscales and Other Nastiness Michael Kelly

58. Draconian Ritual Book Asenath Mason

59. The Altar of Sacrifice Mark Alan Smith

60. The Scorpion God Mark Alan Smith

61. Queen of Hell Mark Alan Smith

62. The Red King Mark Alan Smith

63. The Witchblood Grail Mark Alan Smith

64. Apocalyptic Witchcraft Peter Grey

65. Lucifer: Princeps Peter Grey

66. The Brazen Vessel Peter Grey & Alkistis Dimech

67. Veneficium Daniel Schulke

68. Azoetia Andrew D. Chumbley

69. Qutub Andrew D. Chumbley

70. The Dragon Book of Essex Andrew D. Chumbley

71. The Grimoire of the Golden Toad Andrew D. Chumbley

72. The Book of Pleasure Austin Osman Spare

73. The Zoetic Grimoire of Zos Austin Osman Spare

74. The Witches’ Sabbath Kelden

75. The Black Toad Gemma Gary

76. Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways Gemma Gary

77. The Devil’s Dozen Gemma Gary

78. The Crooked Path Kelden

79. The Serpent and the Rainbow Wade Davis

80. Real Voodoo Richard Tallant

81. The Complete Book of Black Magic and Witchcraft Arthur Edward Waite

82. The Book of Forbidden Knowledge Anonymous

83. The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage S.L. MacGregor Mathers

84. Transcendental Magic: Doctrine and Ritual Eliphas Levi

85. The Key of Solomon the King S.L. MacGregor Mathers

86. The Lesser Key of Solomon Joseph Peterson (Ed.)

87. The Grand Grimoire Anonymous

88. The Grimorium Verum Joseph H. Peterson

89. The Black Pullet Anonymous

90. The Book of Mephisto Asenath Mason

91. The Grimoire of Armadel S.L. MacGregor Mathers

92. Necromancy: The Forbidden Art Lucien R. Lavey

93. Mastering Witchcraft Paul Huson

94. The Complete Book of Spells, Curses, and Magical Recipes Leonard R.N. Ashley

95. The Sorcerer’s Secrets Jason Miller

96. Protection and Reversal Magick Jason Miller

97. Advanced Magick for Beginners Alan Chapman

98. The Black Arts Richard Cavendish

99. The Dark Arts Peter Levenda

100. The Necronomicon Simon

Here’s a continuation list of the best and most impressive grimoires for occultists and witches, covering historical texts, ceremonial magic, demonology, necromancy, planetary magic, and powerful dark spellbooks. These are highly regarded and serious works:

1. Picatrix (The Ghayat al-Hakim) Anonymous

2. The Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis) S.L. MacGregor Mathers (Ed.)

3. The Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton) Joseph H. Peterson (Ed.)

4. The Ars Goetia Anonymous

5. The Ars Theurgia Goetia Anonymous

6. The Ars Paulina Anonymous

7. The Ars Almadel Anonymous

8. The Ars Notoria Anonymous

9. The Book of Abramelin Abraham von Worms

10. The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage S.L. MacGregor Mathers (Ed.)

11. The Grand Grimoire (Le Dragon Rouge) Anonymous

12. The True Grimoire Jake Stratton-Kent

13. The Grimoire of Pope Honorius Anonymous

14. The Grimorium Verum Joseph H. Peterson (Ed.)

15. The Red Dragon (Grand Grimoire Variant) Anonymous

16. The Heptameron Pietro dAbano

17. The Sworn Book of Honorius (Liber Juratus) Honorius of Thebes

18. The Grimoire of Armadel S.L. MacGregor Mathers

19. The Black Pullet Anonymous

20. The Black Books of Elverum Johannes B. Thorsen

21. The Munich Manual of Demonic Magic Richard Kieckhefer (Ed.)

22. The Cambridge Book of Magic Frank Klaassen (Ed.)

23. The Magus Francis Barrett

24. The Book of Forbidden Knowledge Anonymous

25. Liber Razielis Archangeli (Book of Raziel the Angel) Anonymous

26. The Testament of Solomon Anonymous

27. The Book of Enoch Anonymous

28. The Arbatel of Magic Anonymous

29. The Arbatel of the Magic of the Ancients Joseph Peterson (Ed.)

30. Three Books of Occult Philosophy Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

31. The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

32. The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Abraham von Worms

33. The Enchiridion of Pope Leo III Anonymous

34. The Liber Iuratus Honorii (Sworn Book of Honorius) Anonymous

35. The Turba Philosophorum (The Assembly of the Philosophers) Anonymous

36. The Aurora Consurgens Thomas Aquinas (Attributed)

37. The Emerald Tablet Hermes Trismegistus

38. The Corpus Hermeticum Hermes Trismegistus

39. The Kybalion The Three Initiates

40. The Book of the Dead (Ancient Egyptian Texts) Anonymous

41. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani E.A. Wallis Budge (Trans.)

42. The Necronomicon (Simon’s Edition) Simon

43. The Necronomicon Spellbook Simon

44. Liber Lilith Donald Tyson

45. The Nightside of Eden Kenneth Grant

46. Hekate’s Liminal Rites Sorita dEste & David Rankine

47. The Dragon Book of Essex Andrew D. Chumbley

48. Azoetia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft Andrew D. Chumbley

49. The Grimoire of the Golden Toad Andrew D. Chumbley

50. The Book of Sitra Achra N.A-A.218

51. Liber Falxifer I N.A-A.218

52. Liber Falxifer II N.A-A.218

53. Liber Falxifer III N.A-A.218

54. The Apocryphal Grimoire Peter Grey

55. Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft, and the Poison Path Daniel Schulke

56. The Psalter of Cain Daniel Schulke & Robert Fitzgerald

57. The Dragon Flame Edition of the Grimoire of Tiamat Asenath Mason

58. The Infernal Colopatiron S. Connolly

59. Keys of Ocat: A Grimoire of Daemonolatry Necromancy S. Connolly

60. The Book of Mephisto Asenath Mason

61. Draconian Ritual Book Asenath Mason

62. Rites of Lucifer Asenath Mason

63. Qliphothic Meditations Asenath Mason

64. The Abyss Within Asenath Mason

65. The Altar of Sacrifice Mark Alan Smith

66. The Scorpion God Mark Alan Smith

67. Queen of Hell Mark Alan Smith

68. The Red King Mark Alan Smith

69. The Witchblood Grail Mark Alan Smith

70. Apocalyptic Witchcraft Peter Grey

71. Lucifer: Princeps Peter Grey

72. The Brazen Vessel Peter Grey & Alkistis Dimech

73. Saturn Rising David Rankine

74. Saturn Gnosis David Beth

75. The Cult of the Black Cube Arthur Moros

76. The Book of Fallen Angels Michael Howard

77. The Temple of Ascending Flame Compendium Asenath Mason

78. The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Craft Rites of the Old One Gemma Gary

79. The Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft Kelden

80. The Black Toad Gemma Gary

81. Mastering Witchcraft Paul Huson

82. The Sorcerer’s s Secrets Jason Miller

83. Protection and Reversal Magick Jason Miller

84. The Red Book of Appin Anonymous

85. The Voudon Gnostic Workbook Michael Bertiaux

86. Kosmic Gnosis Tau Palamas

87. The Ophidian Hieroglyph Tau Palamas

88. The Dark Arts Peter Levenda

89. Necromancy: The Forbidden Art Lucien R. Lavey

90. The True Grimoire Jake Stratton-Kent

91. The Geosophia Jake Stratton-Kent

92. The Testament of Cyprian the Mage Jake Stratton-Kent

93. The Ever-Burning Lamp of Wisdom Anonymous

94. The Grand Grimoire with the Great Clavicle of Solomon Robert Blanchard

95. The Supreme Black Magic Grimoire Victor Shawcross

96. The Complete Grand Grimoire Tarl Warwick

97. The Ars Notoria: The Notory Art of Solomon Robert Turner (Trans.)

98. The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy Donald Tyson (Ed.)

99. Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires Aaron Leitch

100. Summoning Spirits: The Art of Magical Evocation Konstantinos

This list is pure gold for occultists and serious practitioners of witchcraft, ceremonial magick, Left-Hand Path sorcery, and demonology. Each book holds deep historical, magical, or ritual significance no weak compilations, just hard-hitting, powerful sources of knowledge.

This list includes 100 of the best religious texts, both mainstream and esoteric, as well as banned, lost, or apocryphal books that have been used in dark sorcery, mysticism, and occult education. Many of these have been historically suppressed, deemed heretical, or are essential for esoteric knowledge and Left-Hand Path workings.

1. The Bible (King James Version)

2. The Torah

3. The Talmud

4. The Zohar (Book of Splendor)

5. The Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation)

6. The Bahir (Book of Brightness)

7. The Sefer Raziel HaMalakh (Book of Raziel the Angel)

8. The Dead Sea Scrolls

9. The Gospel of Thomas

10. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

11. The Gospel of Judas

12. The Gospel of Philip

13. The Gospel of the Egyptians

14. The Gospel of Truth

15. The Apocryphon of John

16. The Apocalypse of Adam

17. The Second Treatise of the Great Seth

18. The Pistis Sophia

19. The Book of Enoch (1 Enoch)

20. The Secrets of Enoch (2 Enoch, Slavonic Enoch)

21. The Hebrew Book of Enoch (3 Enoch)

22. The Testament of Solomon

23. The Book of Giants

24. The Apocalypse of Moses

25. The Book of Jubilees

26. The War Scroll (Dead Sea Scrolls)

27. The Damascus Document (Dead Sea Scrolls)

28. The Book of Revelation (Biblical Canon)

29. The Apocryphon of James

30. The Gospel of the Twelve

31. The Gospel of Barnabas

32. The Acts of Thomas

33. The Acts of Peter

34. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas

35. The Secret Gospel of Mark

36. The Protoevangelium of James

37. The Odes of Solomon

38. The Book of Shadows (Various Witchcraft Traditions)

39. The Vedas (Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda)

40. The Bhagavad Gita

41. The Upanishads

42. The Puranas (Shiva Purana, Vishnu Purana, Devi Purana, etc.)

43. The Mahabharata

44. The Ramayana

45. The Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) Laozi

46. The I Ching (Book of Changes)

47. The Analects of Confucius

48. The Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis) Aleister Crowley

49. The Book of Lies Aleister Crowley

50. The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Papyrus of Ani)

51. The Pyramid Texts

52. The Coffin Texts

53. The Divine Pymander (Hermes Trismegistus)

54. The Corpus Hermeticum Hermes Trismegistus

55. The Emerald Tablet Hermes Trismegistus

56. The Kybalion The Three Initiates

57. The Codex Gigas (The Devil’s Bible)

58. The Ars Notoria (Solomonic Magic)

59. The Picatrix (Ghayat al-Hakim)

60. The Heptameron Pietro dAbano

61. The Grand Grimoire (Le Dragon Rouge)

62. The Grimoire of Pope Honorius

63. The True Grimoire Jake Stratton-Kent

64. The Testament of Cyprian the Mage Jake Stratton-Kent

65. The Red Dragon Grimoire

66. The Book of Forbidden Knowledge

67. The Sworn Book of Honorius (Liber Juratus)

68. The Arbatel of Magic

69. The Liber Iuratus Honorii

70. The Munich Manual of Demonic Magic

71. The Cambridge Book of Magic

72. The Black Pullet

73. The Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton)

74. The Book of Abramelin the Mage

75. The Sefer HaRazim (The Book of Mysteries)

76. The Liber Falxifer Trilogy N.A-A.218

77. The Book of Sitra Achra N.A-A.218

78. The Satanic Bible Anton LaVey

79. The Satanic Rituals Anton LaVey

80. The Bible of the Adversary Michael W. Ford

81. The Gospel of Lucifer Michael W. Ford

82. The Catechism of Lucifer Johannes Nefastos

83. The Necronomicon (Simon Edition)

84. Liber Lilith Donald Tyson

85. The Voudon Gnostic Workbook Michael Bertiaux

86. The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum Johann Weyer

87. The Enuma Elish (Babylonian Creation Epic)

88. The Descent of Inanna

89. The Secret Book of Dzyan (Theosophical Text)

90. The Hidden Teachings of Jesus (Gnostic Wisdom)

91. The Secret Doctrine Helena Blavatsky

92. The Stanzas of Dzyan

93. The Codex Argenteus (Silver Bible)

94. The Devil’s Disciples: The Church of Satan

95. The Supreme Black Magic Grimoire

96. The Teachings of the Essenes

97. The Gospel of the Witches (Aradia) Charles G. Leland

98. The Kebra Nagast (The Glory of Kings)

99. The Book of Shadows (Wiccan Tradition)

100. The Secret Book of John (Nag Hammadi Library)

This list is a powerhouse of occult, religious, and banned knowledge, spanning Judeo-Christian apocrypha, lost gospels, Kabbalah, Gnostic texts, Hermetic works, Hindu and Taoist esoterica, and ancient grimoires. Many of these are referenced in Left-Hand Path magic, necromantic rituals, dark sorcery, and demonology.



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